Meet the Owner & Operator

Hi, I'm Sheri!
Being the oldest of eight children, I have always been the “organized one." As young as nine years old I would declutter my room and have little “garage sales” on my bed. My siblings would come buy my things for 5 and 10 cents!
While I was pregnant with my third child in my early 20s, we lived next door to my Aunt Jan who was known as the “Garage Sale Queen." She and I would load up the station wagon with kids in tow every Friday morning and head out to the local garage sales. As a young mother on a budget, I became hooked on hunting for bargain treasures!
For 30+ years, I have been hosting garage sales or shopping at them. When I found myself unemployed in 2014, with much prodding from my son, I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own Estate Sale business. I opened my "doors” in March of 2015 and have enjoyed it immensely ever since. It's been very rewarding to help others through difficult periods of their lives, and I have met and worked with some amazing people who some have become dear friends.